How often do we see lines at restaurants (not just post Covid lockdowns!) or OpenTable bookings completely filled — and great Trip Advisor reviews?
If you aren’t seeing any of these, it’s time for a truly objective assessment of what you are doing well and not so well. Put the ego aside. No one is an expert at every facet of running a restaurant or hotel F&B operation.
The senior team at AccessPoint Group, has been very fortunate over our collective careers to work with restaurant and hotel icons – from Los Angeles to Boston, to Chicago to Washington, DC – and nationwide. Working with many members of the Board of Directors from the we know how the best minds in the business work and what makes them build empires.
To be truly extraordinary you have to notice the larger picture of profitability, but also the small details that make up guest impressions. You are so close to everyday operations, and your staff is likely stretched so thin, that what could be glaring omissions of poor menu mixes, or a mixed-message brand.
Invest not just in new locations, but refine or fix those things that are holding you back from being EXTRAORDINARY!
Talk with an objective advisor, it can be our team, or someone you trust in the industry. But don’t wait. There is always some competitor – usually just down the street – that is thinking of innovations or improvements that will get him or her the rave reviews and packed houses.
Don’t just envision changes, take the next step in making them happen – and don’t be afraid to ask for help. You’ll be amazed at what can be done to transform a “so-so” restaurant into the talk of the town in as little as two months.